PhD & PostDoc Program

ELSA supports and expands the pan-European ELLIS PhD & Postdoc Program, which supports excellent young researchers by connecting them to leading researchers across Europe and offering a variety of networking and training activities, including summer schools and workshops. ELLIS PhDs and postdocs conduct cutting-edge curiosity-driven research in machine learning or a related research area with the goal of publishing in top-tier conferences in the field.

The PhD students and postdocs of the program benefit from joint supervision by leading scientists of the ELLIS society. While earning their degree at the participating institution of the main advisor, they aim to collaborate during their appointment by conducting research in a laboratory abroad or with a (local) industrial partner for at least six months.

ELLIS faculty can nominate excellent PhD students and postdocs for the program, and students pursuing a PhD in a machine learning-focused field can apply centrally once a year in the fall. Our centralized selection process serves as a one-stop shop for the world’s best young academics wishing to start ML-related graduate studies in Europe.

More Information
You can find more Information about the ELLIS Society and the ELLIS PhD & PostDOc Program here.

For general questions about the program, questions about the central recruiting (both tracks) and questions about the academic track, please contact For questions about the industry track, please contact

The ELLIS PhD Program has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under ELISE Grant Agreement No. 951847 (2020 – 2024), and is continued with funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under ELIAS grant agreement number 101120237 (2023 – 2027). The program is also expanded by the EU-funded project ELSA under grant agreement number 101070617 (2022 – 2025).