After a successful industry call: application reviews have started

Start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises were encouraged to follow ELSA’s second industry call. We received numerous applications to cooperate with our Network of Excellence. The review process has started now.

After ELSA’s second industry call closed on September 22nd, a dedicated group of reviewers from the ELSA consortium started to review the applications carefully. They are evaluating every application and, at the beginning of November, will choose the most promising candidates.

Shortly afterward, a virtual Jury Day will happen, during which those finalists will get the opportunity to present their projects. This year, the jury will consist of external experts, CISPA experts and members of the ELSA executive board. After the presentations, the jury will choose seven lucky winners.

The winners of our second industry call will benefit from EU funding for their research, online visibility and excellent networking opportunities. In addition, they profit from ELSA’s mobility fund (more information on the mobility program can be found here).

In our industry calls, we have been looking for startups and small and medium-sized enterprises that work on developing safe and secure AI applications. This time, we called for the categories “Methodology”, “Software/Tools” and “Benchmarks”, covering use cases in the areas of health, autonomous driving, robotics, cybersecurity, multimedia and document intelligence. To pay attention to all relevant AI research, proposals that use machine learning to address important societal and economic challenges are also considered. This includes projects dealing with new developments such as large language models and basic models.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.