OASYS NOW: CoMPai – Confidential Multi-Party AI

OASYS NOW is one of five winners of the first ELSA Industry Call and has received 60,000 euros in funding, working together with top AI experts within our Network of Excellence for six months. OASYS NOW focusses on developing patient-centric, privacy-first technologies that revolutionize how health data is used in clinical research and healthcare.
In this video, the team presents the joint project with ELSA:
OASYS NOW’S short summary of the project:
“OASYS NOW is developing an end-to-end platform for secure genomic research, ensuring data privacy by integrating confidentiality, Federated Learning, and Secure Computation. Through Dynamic Consent, patients are empowered to securely share their genomic and medical data for research, enabling sustainable consent. This infrastructure, when implemented with a disease focus, can be used to create Dynamic Patient Registries by providing Personal Data Governance to patients.
The platform provides a ready-to-use security framework for Federated Learning, enabling genomic researchers to readily collaborate on genomic data with strong confidentiality amongst parties. Confidential Computing enhances Federated Learning by verifiably encrypting model updates, preventing data leakage.
The federated approach aligns with the European Genome-Phenome Archive and the Beyond 1+Million Genomes Initiatives. This solution addresses structural data-sharing challenges, providing an end-to-end platform for secure AI while respecting privacy and enabling sustainable consent.”